In this episode Joe and Evan eat a hodge podge of foods because everything is broken. All the hosts are gone and someone found a Burger King Italian Original Chicken Sandwich and Frozen Cherry Fanta while the other found 3D Doritos in Chili Cheese Nacho and Spicy Ranch flavors.
Truman, Owen, Aaron, Vinzent, and Evan gaslight Joe into thinking he is drinking 4 different knockoff Dr. Peppers when he is just drinking Dr....
This week on Grub Buds, Truman, Joe, Vinzent and Owen eat Wendy's New Mozzarella Cheeseburger, Mozzarella Chicken Sandwich, and Pepperfrosty while opening gifts and...
This week the buds try the taco bell mexican pizza, mountain dew voodew, mountain dew maui burst, doritos cool ranch roulette and Coke Dreamland...