Braden, Cole, Rory, and Truman review the new Bud Light out of office seltzer pack and talk about their favorite conspiracy theories including JFK's accidental assassination, the oddities of the Denver Airport, Finland isn't real, and Mattress firms are for laundering money.
Owen, Joe, Aaron and Truman review Sonic's Mesquite Butter Bacon Cheeseburger while discussing weird news topics including a disappointing wrestling ring explosion, a turkey...
Grub Buds 113 This week on Grub Buds, Truman, Vinzent, Joe, Aaron, and Michael try the new Pepsi Peeps Soda, Funyuns lays, and 6...
Grub Buds 132 This week on Grub Buds, Truman, Vinzent, and Owen try the raspberry bomb pop quirk and the bomb pop twisted tea...