This week, some Truman-less Grub Buds discover if radioactive red is a good flavor. That's right, we tried all three flavors of the Cheetos mac and cheese! Tune in to find out which was the best and worst of Original, Flamin' Hot, and Jalapeno Cheddar.
*Scuff warning for the first 10 minutes due to unknown microphone issues*
Truman, Joe, Aaron and Owen break down the Bud Light Holiday Seltzers and cover some weird news from around the world such as a...
Owen, Joe, Vinzent, and Bryce go on a Truman-less adventure to find the new Popeyes Megan Thee Stallion Hottie Sauce and decide if it...
Joe, Vinzent, Truman and Owen drink the Simply Spiked Lemonades and TGIF Canned cocktails. They also discuss weird news from around the world including...